Visual Basic Source Code
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BASIC Source File
91 lines
' This module contains sample code that must be placed in forms
' This is necessary because the routines reference controls on the form
' To use these routines:
' add this module to the project
' copy the desired routines to your form code
' remove this module from the project (this code will create errors if included)
' The routines present are:
' FldGotFocus: highlights a field and displays help in cmsg control
' to use add following in GotFocus event FldGotFocus control-name
' FldLostFocus: removes highlight from a field and removes help in cmsg control
' to use add following in LostFocus event FldLostFocus control-name
' ShowHelp: displays popup help for a control (button, etc)
' to use add following in MouseMove event ShowHelp control-name, x, y
' in events that perform action, e.g. Click add ShowHelp control-name, 0, 0
' See the routines for additional information
' Provided courtesy of RDB Systems, Royce D. Bacon.
' Compuserve Id: 70042,1001
' You are free to use these routines in any way you desire
' Of course, I'm not responsible for the results
Sub FldGotFocus (PControl As Control)
PControl.BackColor = BLUE
PControl.ForeColor = WHITE
PControl.SelStart = 0
PControl.SelLength = 1000
cmsg.Caption = PControl.Tag
End Sub
Sub FldLostFocus (PControl As Control)
PControl.BackColor = RB_GRAY
PControl.ForeColor = BLACK
cmsg.Caption = ""
End Sub
Sub ShowHelp (PBtn As Control, px As Single, py As Single)
' Subroutine to show popup help for a control
' To use:
' add a panel control called PnlHelp to the form
' Set control's tag property to help message desired
' Copy this subroutine to the form code
' In mousemove event of control add
' ShowHelp control-name, x, y
' In click event or other events of control that cause action add
' ShowHelp control-name, 0, 0 ' Hides help
Dim maxx As Single, maxy As Single
Dim nPnlTop As Single, nPnlLeft As Single
' Determine max x & y coordinates with 80 twip border
' boundry of 80 twips allowed to be able to catch cursor as exiting control
maxx = PBtn.Width - 80
maxy = PBtn.Height - 80
' if exiting control area turn off help panel
If px < 80 Or py < 80 Or px > maxx Or py > maxy Then
PnlHelp.Visible = False
PnlHelp.Caption = ""
Exit Sub
End If
' Determine location for help panel
' Assume below and to right
nPnlTop = PBtn.Top + PBtn.Height + 40
nPnlLeft = PBtn.Left + 100
' Put panel above control if not enough room below
If nPnlTop + PnlHelp.Height > Height - 1024 Then
nPnlTop = PBtn.Top - PnlHelp.Height - 40
End If
' Put panel to left if not enough room to right
If nPnlLeft + PnlHelp.Width > Width - 500 Then
nPnlLeft = PBtn.Left + PBtn.Width - 40
End If
' if same settings exit to prevent flickering effect
If PnlHelp.Caption = PBtn.Tag And PnlHelp.Top = nPnlTop And PnlHelp.Left = nPnlLeft Then
Exit Sub
End If
' get help msg from control's tag and position help panel
PnlHelp.Caption = PBtn.Tag
PnlHelp.Top = nPnlTop
PnlHelp.Left = nPnlLeft
PnlHelp.Visible = True
End Sub